So, we are going to tell you the basic rule. Adapt to the settings and improve with it. You can rise up the improvement ladder when you are good at aiming, traversing, and map awareness. And then, you can build your own style of gameplay. 

How to Get Good at Warzone?

Get ready to invest time in learning while playing if you seriously want to raise your rank up to the top level to unlock and showcase your weapon collection and cool COD skills. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s sure to be worth it. 

Tweak Aim Settings to Your Preference 

Whether you’re playing with a controller or with a mouse on a PC, it is always essential to take time to set aim sensitivity. The hard reality is that there is no such thing as a perfect setting that will make you go pro in a minute. However, you can always refine your gameplay to the settings you are comfortable with.  To test the sensitivity and try out different guns for your liking, you can go Practice Modes & Trials, located in the bottom left of the Warzone lobby. Practice your aim with scope. Find out what scope suits your play style and tweak the aim sensitivity too.  Spray paint walls with enemies and practice both vertical and horizontal headshots. Once you are comfortable and pretty satisfied with your aim control, we can move the battle arena.

Find Out if You Are an Aggressive or Strategic Player

Most players get confused between playing aggressive or strategic. While it is vital to play aggressively in some situations and strategic in others, knowing what kind of player you determine the game weapons build as well as players’ skills.  Since one playstyle can counter another, it is unlikely to win by applying both play styles at the same time. If you play aggressive, go full aggressive on enemies and don’t hold back. You can catch enemies off guard and earn some kills. It’s risky, but if you are carrying a close combat weapon that has higher recoil control and fire rate, the chances of your winning increase. Every weapon is built for a different playstyle, and knowing your playstyle will help you choose the right weapon and perks early on. 

Identifying the Hot Drop Zones

Hot Drop Zones are the location where you will find the most daring players dropping on their parachutes at the beginning of the match. Here you will find the most skilled players going in for kills.  There is no better way to hone your skill than engaging in intense combat with skilled players. I would have suggested staying away from hot drops if the title was how to Win at Warzone, but it’s not. And don’t worry if you are defeated several times as long as you’re improving and taking down a couple of players before going down. You will also learn to keep calm in extreme situations and take split decisions necessary for combat. 

Get Your Loadout Drops as Soon as Possible 

Loadout Drops are the required weapons, perks, and tactical and leather items you get that you build on the Loadout menu. They are the essentials to help you boost your gameplay and increase your success rate.  You can purchase loadout at any Buy Station, but it requires time since the price of loadout has inflated from 8500 to 10000 in cash. A better way to pick loadout is to wait for a free loadout drop only for you and your teammates.  The first free loadout drops twenty seconds before the first circle closes in. The game announcer will notice you and mark the location of your loadout on the map. Keep in mind that the dropped loadout is only yours and your teammates. Other players will not know your loadout location because they have their own loadout somewhere on the map. 

Mix and Match Weapons and Perks to See What Suits You the Best

Players might get overwhelmed by the number of weapons, attachments, perks, lethal and tactical. It’s not an easy job to choose the right build, so experimenting with different stuff that suits your playstyle can be your primary goal.  See what weapon build can get you the most kills and what are the ways to improve recoil control, movement speed, ADS, and most damage possible. You can do more skillful gameplay by learning to throw grenades and execute slide cancel for most movement control. These are effective ways to increase your success rate during gameplay. Once you find the best loadouts for your playstyle, you can then improve your skills to make complex maneuvers a second nature. 

Clear the Area Before Reviving Your Teammate

Needless to say, you should revive your friends in a safe place, but we often tend to forget about enemies lurking in the corner or landing above you while you are reviving your teammate. Taking into account the emergency, we rush towards our friend to help, only to get knocked down by enemy players. Scout the area and only approach your friend once you are sure to have a safe revival. The enemy who took down your teammate will probably be there to get the kill, so be on the lookout. 

Using Cues to Your Advantage

Audio cues are very important to determine your enemy’s location. Listen to the footsteps of your enemy to determine the direction, distance, and levels if you are in a building.  By skillfully listening to the audio cues, you can pinpoint the enemy location and take down enemies without the need to search around while entering the area where the enemies are. It’s like the visual map on your head that keeps getting better the more you use it.  Mastering this technique will alert you not only of their footsteps but the gas attack by their cough, shooting, reloading, and many more. Make sure to tweak audio settings for maximum efficiency, reducing any unnecessary audio or music. 

Effective Communication With Your Teammates

Effective communication with your teammates is the key to victory, and Ping is the effective way to mark areas of danger or interest. Yes, it is absolutely crucial to let your teammates know your tactics, so everyone can stay alert for enemy locations because Ping is most effective for strategic combat.  When it comes to close-range combat and controlling chaos in a close area, good communication is the key to guiding teammates out of danger and also taking down opponents. Playing in a team requires a balance between combat and communication. Heading straight to danger without informing your team will only get you killed. Be precise and prompt in passing on information.       

From Gulag to Warzone

Fight your way to the 1v1 PvP battle against enemies defeated in Warzone and brought to Gulag for a second chance. This is your chance to get back to the Warzone, or you can also be redeployed by your teammates from the buy station if they have forty-five hundred cash. Gulag is a small arena where you battle a single player with weapons given to you. Your friend can also help you with the information about the enemy’s exact position from above the platform or simply throw rocks at them.  Make the most use of grenades as you will get only one chance to get back. The Gulag arena keeps updating, adding new combat zones on each update. Once you are back from Gulag to Warzone, you won’t get a second chance as Gulag opens only once per game. 

Utilize Your Team’s Perks and Playstyle

Every player has different perks and playstyle. Some might use the aggressive perks, while others might use them in a more strategic way. Nevertheless, every team member and their perks can help win the game if their abilities are put to the right use.  There are perks where one can inform enemy positions behind the wall or use heat vision to see enemies on vision blinding smoke grenades. Effective use of each player’s playstyle also helps the team to kill enemies. By efficient communication and Pinning down enemy locations, players can flank around and set ambushes on the enemy team. I believe bonding between teams really matters when pulling off intense battles. 

Stay on the Edge of the Gas Rather Than the Center

This is one safe option if you can time it right. Staying around the edge of the circle is one of the safest options as there will be no enemy to attack you from behind. However, if you don’t change your location to a safe circle before the grass closes in, you’re in danger.  Keeping an eye on the circle timer will indicate when it’s time to move to the next area of location. You can spiral your way to the safe circle catching enemies off guard if you have keen eyes on the surroundings. I suggest you use this trick in the early game circle and ignore this in the later closing circle. 

Play as A Team

If you are playing in a team, you should work as a team. Collecting loot only for yourself is a selfish way to play while your teammates are engaged in battle. Everybody has a different weapon of choice with different rounds of ammo. Sharing loot is vital to let your team know that we are together in this. 

Map Awareness and Getting Around 

A true veteran knows how to traverse a map to get the minimum bullet while targeting your opponent’s moves. I believe staying on the right path crafted for players on the map is the wrong way to move from one location as you can fall into an easy target. Styling is extremely unpredictable and knowing to use every location to your advantage is the key to killing your opponent. There is various location, from jungles to abandoned buildings. Learning to take cover from incoming bullets while taking down from unexpected locations is one of the various ways to effectively use location.  Like in real life, where swat teams infiltrate the expected terrorist location and know when to flank and take cover at the right time, you can also do the most unexpected turns taking full advantage of the located area.  

Try Completing Contracts

Contracts appear randomly on your map as soon as you land on the ground. Contracts are the challenges you can accept to earn some cash which you can then use on them on Buy Station to get Killstriks weapons such as UAVs, helicopters, controlled missiles, and many more. You can also redeploy your dead teammates, as I have mentioned above. There are nine contracts, each with a specific purpose. If you are looking for intense battle action against enemies, then a bounty contract is one for you. It will indicate your enemy location, and once the target is killed, the bounty shifts to another player of the same squad. However, if you want to go for cash grabs, then recon and scavengers are the best choices for you.  As you can see, having enough cash can change the tides of the game, and completing Contracts can be an effective idea to collect cash as well as weapons. 

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, all the guidelines above are there to help you guide your way to becoming a pro player, but climbing the progress ladder depends upon players’ dedication and desire to improve. I wish you luck and hope to meet you in the Warzone.  

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