That puzzle was the Dial of the Old Ones, a tricky little cryptograph found in the southeast of Hysh. If you want to know its ancient secrets, read on as we give three ways to solve the Dial of the Old Ones.

Purpose of the Dial

The Dial of the Old Ones opens the crypts in the Hysh area. Large, broken menhirs will surround the tombs, so it is easy to locate. There are two different solutions, of which the first is my personal favorite. The puzzle contains three concentric circles. The outer circle contains several hieroglyphs. Combinations of glyphs are at the bottom of the screen for you to choose from, once you have solved the puzzle, and will open the door. The middle circle is the least populated of the three circles, with blue, yellow, and red line zig-zagged lines. Finally, the inner circle contains both colored lines and an image that resembles the mask of a Mexican luchador. To open the crypt, the alignment of these parts will point out three glyphs, which you can use as the key. We have selected three methods you can use to solve the puzzle. On each one, the key is to align the head of the demon, so it is upright as if it was facing you. From here, the other sections should fall into place.

Pen and Paper Solution

This is my preferred method. It is the quickest, with little fuss. However, it does still take a little bit of brain wrangling to solve. You will need a thin piece of paper and three colored pens or pencils. Each of them should match the colors of the lines (red, blue, yellow). You will also need a plain pen or pencil.

Photo Editor Solution

If that was still confusing, don’t worry. There are many people online who find it easier to use a photo editor for this task. If you don’t have an editor, then get a fresh sheet of paper and go to step seven.

Cutting Out Solution

If you are still struggling or don’t have editing software, then it is time to get old school, like the ancient would have done. For this, you need everything from solution one plus a pair of scissors. Place the middle circle into the gap and rotate it. At one point, three colored lines will align with three in the inner circle. Follow them to reveal the glyphs that will open the crypt door.

Ruling Out Glyphs

If you are still struggling to see what the answer is, then Reddit user Star Commandante had one handy hint to share. By checking the outer circle glyphs against the ones in the key at the bottom, you can eliminate many that are not in use.

Cracking the Code

Warhammer: Dial of the Old Ones is not the most complex puzzle in the game to complete, but it is visually confusing. We prefer solution one, though it requires some thought. Use solution two or three depending on your preference. Have you found yourself stuck on one of these taxing in-game puzzles once again? Then have no fear! Click here to see all our hints, cheats, and hacks from the world of gaming.

Dial Of The Old Ones Puzzle Solution  Three Easy Ways - 48Dial Of The Old Ones Puzzle Solution  Three Easy Ways - 61Dial Of The Old Ones Puzzle Solution  Three Easy Ways - 88